NinjaTrader & Connection Guide for CFD-Forex account
Pay attention to these requirements first:
- NinjaTrader or later.
- An active CFD-Forex account at WH SelfInvest.
- Account logon credentials (username and password).
Connection Configuration Instructions
1. NinjaTrader 8 must be installed.
2. Start NinjaTrader 8.

3. From the Control Center window, select the menu "Connections" > "configure".

4. Select "" from the list of "Available" connections and then press the "add" text from the "Configured" section below. The connection "FOREX" also includes all CFDs.

5. The Connection "Properties" section will be made available on the right side.

6. Enter your WH SelfInvest CFD-Forex credentials.
7. Enter your WH SelfInvest CFD-Forex credentials. After entering confirm with OK.
- Connection name: Create a name to identify your connection, e.g. WHS CFD-Forex.
- Connect on start up: Enable if you want NinjaTrader to automatically establish a connection on start up.
- Benutzername: Bitte geben Sie hier den Benutzernamen Ihres Kontos ein.
- Username: Enter your CFD-Forex account username.
- Password: Enter your CFD-Forex account password.
- NinjaTrader historical data server: By default left unchecked to use the CFD-Forex historical data servers.

8. Press OK.
To connect to your account, go to the NinjaTrader Control
Center window, select the menu "Connections" and then select
your account “Connection name” you configured during step 6.
(e.g. WHS CFD-Forex).

9. Once connected, you will see your connection highlighted in the connections menu per provider. There is also an aggregated connection status in the bottom left hand corner of the Control Center.
Pay attention to these important notes:
- Chart data is driven by the current bid price.
- Any external order or position on an instrument not defined in NinjaTrader is not supported and will not be displayed. A warning message will be shown in the log to notify you if this occurs.
- Any submitted market orders or executions resulting from market orders will not be displayed after disconnect/reconnect, as the API does not support downloading market order history.
- An active CFD-Forex account at WH SelfInvest is required in order to submit a live order.
- CFD's based on future contracts are not supported.
- Order type will be inferred by the system based on price the order is submitted.